Michael Backman: Art History & Material Culture
Exploring the history of the world through the material culture of its people, the nature of collecting, and the role of collectors in the preservation of material culture. See our website www.michaelbackmanltd.com for available non-Western antique artworks, blogs, reels and podcasts.
Michael Backman: Art History & Material Culture
On being an 'independent' art scholar & researcher: Michael Backman, Annemarie Jordan and Hugo Miguel Crespo in Conversation
What is it like to be an 'independent' scholar & researcher? Three published art historians who are tell.
Annemarie Jordan and Hugo Miguel Crespo in conversation with Michael Backman on what it is like to being published researchers and art historians but doing it outside the structure of a university, museum or other institutional organisation.
Annemarie Jordan is the author of many books on European luxury goods in the Renaissance typically sourced from the 'East', Hugo Miguel Crespo has been published widely on Indo-Portuguese art and Michael Backman's most recent book is on the silver and gold of the Malay people.